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Asset Management

Our proven asset recovery service is tailored to the needs of our clients, reflecting the key business priorities of the process, recovery rather than disposal.


Our service provides our clients with a number, or combination, of options which include:


  • Reallocation - devices can be returned for service within their organisation through repair and refurbishment. Our repair services return devices to full functionality. Through our refurbish service the recognised value of devices can be increased by returning the devices to pristine condition which can be further enhanced by boxing and kitting.


  • Remarketing - our remarketing helps ensure that clients are maximising the value recovered from their assets. Our remarketing activities incorporate the latest market pricing information.


  • Recycle - There comes a time when prolonging the life-cycle of a device is no longer possible or commercially viable. Once our best efforts to extended a device's useful life are exhausted we ensure that the products’ materials are recycled responsibly to help minimise any impact on the environment.




Full asset reporting is available at batch and IMEI level. Reporting incorporates individual IMEI, functionality, aesthetics and valuation. In addition we provide data and waste certification.


Bespoke tracking and reporting is available to meet a client’s specific needs. 



If you would like to find out more about our asset management please call us on  0330 221 9488 or send us an email.

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Copyright 2017 Reciproc8

Reciproc8 Telecommunications Limited is a limited company (no 6783765) registered in England and Wales, registered office address: 3 Cranham Court, Crewe Business Park, Crewe  CW1 6HA  UK

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